Gambler wrote...
I hope you did not take my above post seriously. The omittance of a :D emoticon after the "You are either with me, or against me!" phrase may lead to others interpreting things differently. :)
Fixed the /quote too.
I only realized now how truly cute you are Gambler. Seeing some bits of childishness in this particular post of yours simply makes me smile. *points to thy name* - unintentional? or done on purpose?
And of course, it's only natural for me to take everything quite seriously otherwise it wouldn't be fun at all. Regardless of the usual emoticons' absence, I could tell how serious you were in striking down the opposition and so I simply responded well accordingly, wouldn't you agree?
Finally, I'm just messing around for the most part. I know very well how much
perverted of an ecchi-oriented viewer you are and I've definitely got nothing against that. Likewise, I doubt you can seriously hold anything against me for having a different perspective as opposed to yours for that matter. So it should easily come without saying that we're cool.
Lamz0r wrote...
What's the name of the ED song?
Pretty soothing song huh? Anyways, "Misaki Meguri" is the title and it was performed by Mina (as Sohara Mitsuki).