WideEyedMan wrote...
Cyndas wrote...
As much as I hated Aincrad and ALO, I'm willing to give this a shot only because of Shinon, also because Kazuto made me laugh really hard in the LN of this arc. How baffling must it be to fight someone who uses a short-range weapon which is considered highly impractical in live matches and lose to it, it's the ultimate disgrace of a game that focuses entirely on guns.
Also I'm gonna screenshot that "Jihad" scene so hard.
I'm pretty sure that's spoilers?
The LN must be REALLY damn good if it makes up for the agony that I endured in the latter parts of SAO season 1 and season 2. So I'll pick it up.
They're really obscure statements you can't denote much from it, but I'll throw it in a spoiler anyways. The Jihad statement is strictly for the readers as I expect it won't happen until much much later.
The LN doesn't visibly display his disgusting obsession for Asuna rather it showed him as determined and dutiful. He still maintains his oblivious nature of the women around him, but he acts like more of an adult in the books. Not to mention Asuna is the WORST girlfriend in my eyes compared to Shinon who literally may be the only reason I'm considering watching this.
But yes, the LNs are VERY much worth it, unfortunately since Yen Press licensed it for the US translation, it's been releasing one book per 4 months, Book 3 will be released in December this year, meaning you won't be able to catch up for about 3 years if you wait for English LNs to drop since all fansubs got taken down, but if you'd like them(Or anyone else for that matter!) I do have the first 10 books stashed away!