swordmanXIII wrote...
Not all dubs are terrible. Like a lot people have said the work that funamation does is quality work. Though there are some sins in the dubbed world(4kids) that does not mean all dubs are terrible. I prefer to listen to dubs most of the time because sometimes I don't want to read subtitles when I work on something. I want to just put on the dub and listen while I focus on something else. Though I believe hearing the indented voice and soundtrack to an anime is overall better; I still believe that dubs a good watch once in a while.
You have no idea how much I thank dubbing for allowing me to do something else while watching an anime, otherwise you have to focus entirely on just watching (especially if it's a sub-par series or one I've seen before and just putting it on in the background).
None the less, this is a serious topic of discussion at the comic shop that I hang around from time to time and we have come to a reasonable conclusion on the subject, given that we are all raised in an English speaking community.
As an English speaking audience we are MUCH more critical on dubbing since we are around English speaking people all the time, we grew up around them and know the mannerisms, dialects and normal ways of conversation, so when we hear something that isn't quite right we pick up on it much more readily and are much more likely to label the dub at a lower quality of work . Personally, I've never been around a real world group of Japanese folks conversing. I'm not sure of when or what they are saying and what to take as sarcastic, what regional dialect they are using etc. I can't be a fair judge of wether Japanese dubs are GOOD or not since I can't understand what good or bad is from my background of not speaking Japanese. Even if I learn it, I will still be from an English speaking background and that would influence my own Japanese dialect.
When I first started watching anime I only thought the Japanese audio track was better because everyone told me that was the case, and I wouldn't say otherwise because I didn't know what was good or bad anyway, they may all be good, they may all be bad. It's fair to say there could be just as many bad Japanese dubs are there are English ones, but until I learn the language properly I'm not going to be able to say either way, and it doesn't matter if other people tell me what's good or bad since it's all a matter of personal preference.
I myself am in the minority though saying I prefer the dubs. I've listened to them my whole life so I can 'tolerate' basically all dubs imaginable. I actually enjoy a lot of them, but I understand why everyone likes the Japanese audio better, there can be no lost in translation moments or misinterpretation there, but as far as I'm concerned as long as you are provided with both audio options, you've really got nothing to complain about.
Apologies for the essay :D