Clannad, (and mores specifically), Clannad After Story, has been the only anime series to ever really tug at my emotions. Never had I ever felt closer to two characters: Tomoya and Nagisa. For a good couple of weeks during after story's climax, I was crying my eyes out. Not just out of sadness for the characters, but for how easily I could relate to their circumstances. It even got me a little afraid of delivering a child with my boyfriend some day because of
what happened with Nagisa
, but by the time
came in, I knew right there and then that I wanted a baby girl for myself. Now, I'm not ready for a child yet, but I believe that when the time comes, I will feel a bit more prepared.
Clannad was also one of the funniest shows I've ever seen. The first season made me giggle so much that my dimples hurt afterward for awhile.
So yeah...people might make a big fuss about it, but it's just really THAT damn good.