人å‚サラダ wrote...
Just wondering if it happened to anyone else...
I pre-ordered 10/19/2014 and it shipped 04/10/2015 (international).
I can track the shipping process with the USPS tool, but when I checked it today I was a bit surprised.
Starting from Portland, it went to LA, then to Philadelphia, then took the plane and arrived in Paris, April 15. Nothing wrong there, I live in France. I was expecting to get it soon. But then no news, blackout. Until today, 12 days later. It reads:
April 27, 2015 , 8:37 am Arrived at USPS Facility JAMAICA, NY 11430
Wait what ?! It leaved France (which was its final destination!) for Jamaica ? How does that even make sense ?
So I was wondering if I am required to do something about this, and if my product will return back from its sunny vacation in Jamaica ? As a matter of fact, will my punikano version feature tanlines ?
Anyone among international customers having experienced something similar ? I hope it'll fix itself up...
hmm ell i'm not international but I recommend you get in touch with jacob, i'm sure it's nothing big but just in case.