Okay guys, here're the best of the pics I have. I just want to say again how awesome it was meeting all the people who could make it to the meetup, and I look forward to setting this up again for Otakon 2010. I'm glad we all got along so well.
This is the best pair of cosplayers I saw. Awesome Deadpool.
I never thought I'd see Ranma cosplayers, especially of the supporting characters. It was wicked awesome.
Yes, he's drinking out of his piss jar.
I've never seen good DBZ cosplayers before. It made me happy.
And a Rider?! Color me surprised.
I don't think this picture needs any explaining.
Another one I've never seen! This guy actually shaved his head to do this.
Someone tagged this window in the middle of the night. There were some 4channers pointing at it which I found incredibly awesome and hilarious. Someone uploaded a video
He didn't say a fucking word.
Disney cosplay is awesome.
I'm sad to report that they both died shortly after.
Here's the GREAT FAKKU MEETUP CIRCLE. It grew pretty large! (that's what she said lolololo)
Here's the group shot.
We waited in front of the courthouse while our dinner table was prepared.
Sitting down.
Look at them muscles :3 (strong no-homo)
More dinnar fun!
And finally, the swag I walked off with at the end of the weekend.