I vote yes.
This pretty much sums it up:
luinthoron wrote...
I'm going to vote yes. It
was tried with Koihime Musou, and even the extra incentive of getting a voice patch if there are enough sales did not help them reach the goal. People who'd buy the VN will still do so even if it is uploaded here, maybe even more likely since they've actually had the chance to try it. People who don't want to buy it will find another place for downloading it anyway.
Personally, I wish I had the money to buy most of what I've read/played, but that's not really going to happen anytime soon. Will definitely get ef once it's released in English, though, whether it's uploaded here or not. Even though I've already played through NNL's original fan release.
Sindalf wrote...
You seem to assume that a download means a lost sale. You also seem to assume that the person who downloaded the VN wouldn't go and buy it later because they liked it enough. Some people do this some people don't. Most if not all people in this day and age on the internet will just skip over something if they can't try it out first for free and then determine if it was worth their money.
Your plan in all honestly kills the industry even further. I'm not spending a $30 on a VN I might not like. The world isn't "buy and try" anymore its "try and buy".
Besides, if someone can't get it here then they will just go elsewhere to find it. Not helping the situation at all.
Side note: Sitting next to my copy of fate/stay night that I downloaded first.