coolxal wrote...
Kouki wrote...
I know you're new here but at least look around. You could look
here for some help. Or add on to it.
Gravity cat wrote...
What Kouki said, look around before posting.
It's been/being discussed
here, here, and
Such useless replies.
The one thing I hate most about forums are smug assholes telling the user to "Google it dumbass", this isn't a rare occurrence either. At least half the time I'm searching for a solution and the replies are just telling them to google it. And of course that same topic is the first result in Google.
Those links are also dead.
So now we're back where we started... nowhere.
Please look at the dates next time before you necrobump up the thread, the reason this is useless is because this thread dates back to three years ago and most of these helpful links have long since died.
I can't help with the DL issues on here since I do it by other means. Way I get my content myself is to take the title or artist of a work, put it into either a google search or put it into another hentai browsing site and download it from there.