so you're replying to me by offering advice to the administration while not replying to me or my points?
The only thing i offered to you directly was that a webmaster's view of the loss will be different from yours, and that i explained some of the reasons why. My advice / suggestions / additional perspective came from other messages directed to them, which AGAIN.. if you would reread what I wrote, would make sense to you (or maybe not, and this is just a hopeless case).
Edit: I am not a webmaster, I don't care what a webmaster should feel about this event, when discussing things with me talk to me.
I am a webmaster, my concerns stem from being a webmaster (and having 13 years of experience as a webmaster under my belt). My thread exists because as a webmaster, I wanted to offer some advice, (perhaps additional) perspective, etc on the situation (while also, expressing my concern as a normal user of this site, coming in to ask if there was any way things might change in terms of how backups are performed).
You came into my thread, as a non webmaster, devaluing my concerns.. I simply tried explaining to you a different perspective (which completely applies to the context of MY thread). What part of that don't you understand. Frankly, if you didn't want me to debate with you why I felt my concerns are valid, you shouldn't have come into this thread trying to devalue them. Now who is trolling who at this point?