Grenouille88 wrote...
Know what you can do? Go out and ask the users of the site if sexist comments, which are on almost every upload, deter then from enjoying themselves. Do that and then you can come back and talk to me about it.
Like I said, there is already a place for everyone to just be a dick and have a laugh, and that's the forum. Allowing people to put misguided and poor populist sentiments right next to your main content sends out a subtle but whole new message.
Grenouille88 wrote...
Also, is this site about people cosplaying? No? I see why you would use that as an example but it is a pointless example here as it does not relate to what you are trying to discuss.
Why does it not?
Grenouille88 wrote...
Also, "misogynist nerds", really? You're just going to stoop to insults? Based on your previous comments I had thought you were above that. Guess I was wrong. What do you think gives you the right to make baseless assumptions about people you have never even talked to, let alone met? Do you feel so superior because you find something on a hentai website to be disagreeable?
The point was that people mistakenly think that it's for misogynist nerds, I'm saying they have the wrong idea. I know not everyone is actually like that here, but this is exactly what I am trying to express; that bad assumptions lead to bad assumptions and a gender excluded. You get this offended over a simple rhetorical application of the inverse?
Please don't be mad, I sense a hostile tone from you but honestly I mean well, and it's certainly nothing to get frustrated over
Grenouille88 wrote...
Please, sir, provide me with reasoning for your statements. Trying to make a point without backing it up
at all is a waste of your time and mine.
I don't know what you mean by this. What would be adequate reasoning by your standards? Reasoning is a vague term in an of itself
Grenouille88 wrote...
EDIT: It seems you don't understand white knighting. It has nothing to do with marital status. It's when you just rush in to defend a user/group of users simple because they are women.
Generally I was under the impression was just a weird and hollow motive to make girls thankful for your behaviour in the remote chance they'd fuck you. I don't really care about the terminology of it, if I'm honest, it's not where I'm coming from with this.