FAKKU Tag Suggestions Any suggestions for new tags should go in this topic.
Before posting a new tag suggestion, please do the following:
Go through the …
Downloads He I havnt been online for this site in a while and what happend to the download content icon? Is fakku no longer allowing that for newer work because i see it on several of my already favorites?…
User Avatars Fixed Avatar uploads are working! The downtime was due to a server migration, previously avatars were served from our application server (along with the core FAKKU code), now they have their own server! Thi…
C&D Removing titles from my favorite list I've noticed it for a while, and not sure if it has been addressed, but It's really annoying when I add things to my favorite list to save it for later, and later can't find it on my favorite's list a…
Unable to Read online I seem to have a problem where everytime I click "Read Online" or the Preview image, it just saves it to my favorites. This only started happening today so im not sure…
error message for age chichi summer I got a notification for a tag that I subscribe to and when I clicked on the link I'm sent to https://www.fakku.net/manga…
Adding payment options like Amazon? Last time I was shopping on Fakku's site, it was to pre-order Renai Sample (excited for that one). Seeing the payment methods there, I was wondering if they'd consider adding more options? I often use…
Notification bug I'm dealing with notification bug..
It says I have 2 notifications but everything is white and opened.. Anything I can do to fix it?
If not then I hope it will be fixed since it ma…
Problem Logging In For some reason the site logs me out every few days. I don't really mind this though. However what I do mind is that when it does this it will not let me log back in. I'll enter my e-mail and password…
tag api down ? Every tag api I've tried just returns
{"error":"This information is currently unavailable."}
Can't Change Avatar I have been unable to change my avatar for quite some time now. I am just sent to this page. https://upload.fakku.net/avatar/submit
Nothing happens, my avatar isn't changed and that page i…
Renai Sample purchase! Help! So I bought Renai Sample (only the 9,99$ version) and I was looking forward to reading it. It says that the purchase is complete, yet when I open it I get the message that I need to buy it, even tho' …
Changing the background to black I usually browse during evening hours and I find myself squinting from the white background. Is there a way to go about this? Maybe a mode to change the theme? Or is there an extension for chrome??…
[F+ Suggestion] Subscribe to Threads / Thread Watcher An Idea I cam across recently on the Steam forums - Up until now you only get Notifications if a Thread you created gets replies. What if you can subscribe/Unsubscribe to Threads, so you get Notigfica…
[Suggestion] Indicator for Content Requiring Purchase Can there please be something on the front page that clearly indicates that a purchase is required in order to view it? There's no way to tell the difference between something you have to buy to view …
Maintenance First Page and Hidden Thread Pages Welp some of the threads in ctfg are having a first page induced maintenance page pop up constantly so no one can see the first page. Then the good ole ninja pages are back where you have to change th…
Multiple tag search? It would be really nice to be able to search for multiple tags at once. I'm not sure how much this would require or if its already been requested, but I thought I'd just put that out there as a reques…