FAKKU Tag Suggestions Any suggestions for new tags should go in this topic.
Before posting a new tag suggestion, please do the following:
Go through the …
Weekly Kairakuten 33 Regardin Ticket #85353, I would like to know if, EVENTUALLY, will FAKKU translate, eventually, Weekly Kairakuten 33.
If google is right, the 33rd week thiw year should be in August.
Multi-page reader URLs don't load This is a pretty easy repro:
- Navigate to the reader for any chapter with 3 or more pages
- Set the reader's page display mode to "two pages when possible"
- Advance to a non-cover pag…
Summer Sale 2024 Cut Short? The 2D Market Summer Sale 2024 was scheduled
for Aug 23-26, which implies the sale will be active
through Aug 26.
But the sale is "not currently a…
Do comics get deleted? Curious because I saw several old references of REC by Erect Touch on fakku but It's not on the site
How often are books restocked? Once a every few months?
Once a year?
Every few years?
Is this website still up and running?
When will the L Shindo books be restocked? The physical ones. I…
Payment Methods First of all, I would like to thank FAKKU for providing high-quality comics without revisions. Fortunately, this platform has cooperated with my favorite artist. I really want to buy comics, but I hav…
Comic Bavel 2024-08? Hello Fakku!
I was curious as to why the subscription service was jumping from Comic Bavel 2024-07 to 2024-09 while skipping 2024-08? Mostly because I've been waiting for Fakku to translat…
Issue with Notifications - delayed/not occurring Is there an issue with notifications? I am looking over the tags I have followed and there seem to be entries added that I have not gotten notifications for. Example tags in my case are yuri, petite, …
[ Locked ] Missing or removed content? I remember bookmark this title from Comic Kairakuten 2016-07 [Usagi Nagomu] The You Behind the Lens. Now it gone. Is Fakku removed it?
Stuff are not loading... 00/00 page. I already made a ticket however it's been 3 days and no response. I'm frankly very unhappy. I'm thinking about making a chargeback on my card because I can't view any of the unlimited releases. It use…
Main page is no longer operating chronologically The main Fakku.net page is now focusing on Popular Right Now - while that's not horrible, it's basically showing me content I've mostly already read, rather than the newest content on the site, which …
Search fails to find many entries I'm guessing there is some sort of indexer program that's supposed to create the search databases and I'm guessing it's failing. Not all entries are affected, but a number of newer items cannot be fou…
Need more loli and yaoi or outlier fetishes Most of the stuff being released is either tame vanilla or NTR. We need more of the outlier fetishes at least one each batch. Normie stuff just doesn't do it.
Not allowing downloads for paying users is pointless Why remove downloads for paying users? Why not remove the download option for the free trial but let those actually paying download freely? I would happily pay if I could download as I prefer my own …
[ Locked ] Certain tags/doujins not showing without premium / So why is it with a 7 day free trial account you can't view wincest content? But with a previously/no longer premium account you can still click on the tag/search the specific doujin/manually put the …
Cant Read Anymore? I made an account and paid and verified my email any everything yesterday (less than or just about 24 hours ago) and now i cant read books ive already read?? Like the "Start Reading" button is just go…