Users can add their own download links to any manga, game, or video on the site. However, the links can only be hosted on a short list of free file hosts, nothing else. We are open to adding and removing file hosts from this list, but we will be very strict about those that we allow. Currently accepted hosts are:
To add download links to content, click the "Download Links" tab on the view page. The click "Add Download Link" in the top right corner.
Also there is an order to how the links are displayed on the download page (obviously links on the top of the list will be downloaded more by the users, so they are more valuable), the links are sorted by the reputation of the user that uploaded them (in descending order).
So if Jacob adds a link and has 92 reputation, Nikon adds a link and has 13 reputation, and then Raze adds a link and has 81 reputation, the links will look like this:
Jacob (92 reptuation)
Raze (81 reptuation)
Nikon (13 reptuation)
We will be giving preferential treatment to links provided by the original translation group. Currently we do not give any preferential treatment to files hosted directly on FAKKU! (though this will most likely change in the future).