Fille wrote...
I can't say I'm to familiar with the rep system and the problems in the past, since I'm still pretty new here. However couldn't a raise of posts when you can use rep be a solution, now it's 15? i think. How about 100 posts, 200 or even Elite status 500 posts to be able to rep.
That will encourage spamming, something F! already has too much of. We don't need special privileges for Elite and Elder.
GameON wrote...
What they could do is implement a rep restrictor system.
Say you -rep/+rep a user, with the restrictor system you are unable to rep/+rep to that said user again until you have repped a number of other different users. This stops "rep harassment"
We already have that, and I enjoy it. Although on F! you can immediately rep someone after you've repped someone else, and on SakuraHana you have to rep 5 more people before repping the same person.
ShaggyJebus wrote...
It's great to see that everyone can talk about this topic calmly and maturely and without trying to hurt anyone else's feelings . . . until the second page, that is.
lol, was surprised there were no trolling until page 2.
ShaggyJebus wrote...
I think part of the problem with this whole reputation deal is the fact that we haven't really been told anything. When rep was gone, we got a post explaining it, but when it was brought back, there was no explanation, and there have been no replies to the many threads about it. That can make people feel like the situation's being ignored, so if the problems still persist a month later, someone may make yet another thread about rep, because they feel it's all they can do. I think it would be very helpful if someone in a position of power said something about this entire situation.
I think that this is necessary, but then think about this: Raze was very clear with his
Rules & FAQs. Now ask yourself - how many people on FAKKU actually obey these rules?
I think a thread called "Rep Rules" will do nothing because this forum
seriously lacks moderation. Trolls are being let walk around freely, flaming is everywhere. Until this gets fixed (through more Mods, or more responsible work), nothing is going to get better.
ShaggyJebus wrote...
Side-note: I don't know if anyone else knows about this, and I never saw a notice about it, but now, you cannot rep the same person two days in a row. I only know for sure that you can't give positive rep, but it's a no-brainer that negative rep would be the same. There's a step forward, definitely.
Don't worry, we do know. :)