I happened to come across Fakku in 2008 looking for Clannad and Kanon doujin. Was a regular for a while, didn't really join until 2010 when the selections of manga got so big and I had trouble finding my favorites and keeping track of new favorites XD. This site has come a long way.
Nice to see someone do well for themselves and have a passion for their work. This place has been interesting to say the least and as I said, never been a forum person, but this place has charm so I'll probably stick around. Also too much of a perv and a nerd to leave lol. Grats to you in your success and best wishes for the future nerdy white guy :)
Happy 8th anniversary to fakku and many more to come(lol come pun). I glad to be in a great community such as this site also agreed that Asuka Langley Soryu is a great wife. Hope this site continue to grow because, its been there for me in the best and worse of times♡ :)
I've been visiting this site for such a long time, and it's such an awesome community (half the entertainment is reading the comments!) but for some reason I never made an account...
I guess it was about damn time to make that account!
Congratulations Fakku!
May the best years be yet to come! ;)
I don't know how I'd ever be able to live up t his 2D Life without you, Fakku. Please take all the money I can throw at you knowing that it's packed with my 2D hopes and dreams~