xacuko wrote...
One of the big things that has kept me from using Fakku over the years is the lack of tags. I love the now dying pururin, mainly because of how many tags they have. If I am in the mood for something, controversial or just some obscure thing they have a tag for it. I also love their dark theme and beautiful layout. So my question is, will you guys be getting more tags? From reading this thread I have concluded you will be getting some new tags in the future. So do you have a broad estimate of how many new tags will be added, or how they will be determined? I also read something about a "controversial content flag." Will this work somewhat like ehentai's version of this, where if it gets flagged enough you get greeted with "This gallery has been flagged as Offensive For Everyone..." when you visit the gallery, but can still read it. Or would you completely remove the art work in question? These are all questions relating to the subscription for me, because depending on the answers I will hopefully be able to subscribe!
Sorry for the long post, thanks for taking the time to read, and or answer my questions.
I can't comment on the tags because I have no clue about that.
I don't recall a user flagging system for content being mentioned. If you're talking about the controversial tag filter, it's just a setting in your profile that can be turned on/off. It hides content with tags that were deemed controversial, ie loli, shota, monstergirl, ect ect.