^ Me being around 2 years old walking around my grandparent's living room. My grandmother and father were there watching me during that time. Then I bumped my head on the table side. Last thing I remember was seeing my father and grandmother running towards me.
< Can't decide between pork & chicken rice and curry beef rice.
v If you have to choose only one food to eat for the rest of your life, what would it be?
^ A Monty Python and the Holy Grail DVD. I already have a copy
< My computer's wifi is annoyingly broken and I fear I'm going to have to spend most if not all of the funds I got for Christmas fixing it >.>
v What's your favourite Fakku Tag
^ Author
< I completed an old Crash Bandicoot game I'd never gotten round to before just now
v What was your favourite single christmas gift this year?
^ Drinking a whole lotta cider.
< Granddad's alive, yay. Big panic on Christmas day, but good to know he's okay now.
V Any humorous event that happened recently to you?
^ I'd say the California rolls I made myself or Moms Pho.
< Recently bought Fire Emblem Awakening :)
v Anime that got you into watching anime? (Not necessarily your first anime)
^ I believe more on knowing where you're making the joke. Know the limits of who is hearing it.
< We made 2 enemies quit. Maybe it was the rape in lane, maybe the tower diving-triple kill...
V Last time you saw a concert? What was it?
^ Never.
< I am a fan of NTR. When it's done well~ Well, first and foremost I'm a sadist, so...
v Where have you always wanted to visit (but never have) and why?