^ Tuesday. Cheerleading practice, usually simple days in school, closer to Wednesday which is the middle of the week. Else Saturday. Sleep late Wake late ❤
^For two of my classes. The third class is kinda bullshit. Not hard at all (at least, not yet), but pretty bullshit, lol.
< Can't sleep, even though I have an early class in the morning.
V Competitive game you both play and follow frequently?
^^ Kinda curious to know if we can hear different renditions of songs....
^ A very exciting and landmark year for me in terms of that next step in life. Happy to have had friends along the way, new and old. Also went very quick.
< Making steambuns....again...this time tweaking the recipes
v If you could relive one moment of your childhood, what would it be?
[color=#993300]^ One year back in primary school, before my world was flipped upside down and changed forever. It was fantastic...
< Tired, but grateful now. Curious too, but I can't complain.
V You ideal confession scenario
[color=#993300]^Milk, music, meditation, reading, avoiding light, certain teas i.e. green and jasmine, just no dark ones like black, studying, light mind activities
[color=#993300]^ Don't watch enough to say
< Much more a reader than watcher but doesn't wear glasses
V What is you preferred imagination land, as in if you could go to a fantasy world, what would it be like?