That's right 10,000. Now I want people to put one at a time, you can put one hentai logic/fact per post. But no spamming, so if you want to add a second hentai logic/fact somebody else needs to post after your other post.
So I shall start.
1. No matter where ever you have sex(at school, bus, park and etc) if you and your partner are not looking for attention. Nobody shall come find you.
In hentai you can fuck a female who is part monster and human.
In hentai thousands of tentacles can fuck a woman, but she wont die from the tentacles that are penetrating through her stomach.
In hentai it is okay to fuck your relative.
[font=segoe print bold]In hentai a cute dress and some makeup will transform everyone into something georgeus, no matter how they looked before or what their gender was.