Minakami Ryuu wrote...
Kitsune Karin wrote...
What you been doing ryuu?
on holiday,so playing,going out,checking news and so on~
as for lately,I went to AFA ID~ XD
so crowded in there,tho for the Concert are so good,especially on T.M. Revolution~
and probably news,to see if there will be a riot or not in Jakarta~
Oh AFAid, I heard about it. I mean the waiting line was so ridiculously long it kinda caught my attention in the news.
Dr Shaneman wrote...
Kitsune Karin wrote...
Then I guess I could care less if it's not here...?
I dunno why you and Ryuu took my comment so seriously to start with.
I don't care about it either.
Naay, I only seemed serious, but I wasn't.