SolidShark wrote...
Lab wrote...
SolidShark wrote...
Lab wrote...
SolidShark wrote...
Lab wrote...
SolidShark wrote...
Lab wrote...
November is better.
I hate it.
Did I ask you for your opinion?
Did you request to not say so?
Do you also interject and reply to the random statements of others as you walk down the street? Is your opinion so valuable that you feel the need to voice it wherever you go?
No, but I would be glad to be questioned to have a pleasant conversation, and perhaps learn something new. The value of an opinion is irrelevant if someone is not willing to listen or is incapable of understanding. Why are you, as said in a common phrase, "on the defensive"?
I'm sure you would be thrilled to engage in a conversation with someone of my intellectual capability, however; I do not share your sentiments. I don't think I would have anything to learn from someone who can't even tell the logical difference between offense and defense. You are clearly the one who feels the need to defend your action, it is exactly what you are doing right now is it not? You're trying to justify your response to my statement when I did not ask for anything of the kind.
I sincerely hope you are not someone who thinks that the absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence; the absence of a structure granting reply permissions does not imply that one is accepting responses globally.
"November is better, what do you guys think of November?" Contains a structure that permits global responses as it is not directed at any specific entities or entity.
"November is better, what do you think of November SolidShark?" Contains a structure that permits a specific entity to respond.
"November is better." Contains no structure that permits any entity from responding, therefore it should be assumed that you are not to reply unless the context permits otherwise, for example the opening post of a thread.
I am justifying my response as I don't see anything wrong in it. In forums, not all will care about the structure or insight of a sentence as one is usually focused on merely posting for the fun of it. This of course, would be different when discussing serious topics or writing (and when I speak of writing in this post, I mean poetry and stories).
In example:
OP: What anime should I watch?
Tercera: Mushishi
Prima: Boku no Pico.
Then, Segunda quotes Prima and says "Shounen Kuuro Kun was better". Prima either says nothing at all, agrees, or disagrees. Tercera might step in the quote pyramid and tell Prima and Segunda that they were both wrong and maybe reccomend Paprika. While they did not ask to be quoted, they all stated their opinions, all unasked for, and none of them most likely minded it at all.
Just like talking about programs to watch, it could be countries, people, items, and so on.
Yes, you are defending yourself, I am not; you were wrong to say that I am on the defensive, as it is the opposite in this case.
Lab wrote...
unless the context permits otherwise, for example the opening post of a thread.
OP wrote...
What anime should I watch?
Prima wrote...
Boku no Pico
Both of these opinions were valid under the context of the opening post. The reality of the situation is that replies following the aforementioned are working off of flaky assumptions that the others will not mind the fact that they were replied to even though they granted no permissions to do so. I will also note that in your example the OP asked for recommendations, not which anime is better than another; so segunda, tercera and prima (should prima choose to reply) are violating the relative context of the thread.
You assumed permission to reply to my statement, I did not grant you it through the structure of my writing. It is always better to err on the side of caution and not make flaky assumptions, in this effort you can avoid making yourself out to be an egoist who constantly feels the need to let everyone know his or her opinion.