Deftera Mirage wrote...
"Hiya everyone, I'm Tegumi!
First off I need to say that Fakku definitely impressed me. It sort of came out of nowhere maybe... half a year to a year ago? Anyway, there aren't nearly as many doujin sites around nowadays, and the ability to preview as well as download zips of various doujinshi is really nice.
I decided to join the forums because I felt it would be nice to... actually I'm just bored. (-Д-)
About me umm... I'm a junior in college, and I'm studying computer science. (Nerd, xD) I'll help out with technical stuff around the forum if I can. As for contributing material, I'm not too terribly good at that (repeat contributions, etc.) so count me out for now.
I enjoy anime/manga, swimming, coding, and baking. "
I knew Tegs wasn't like she was now back then, but to think.... :O
I could've never imagined Tegs typing so cutely, using "(-Д-)", "umm...", even "xD". EVEN BAKING!
The forums must've really
really toughened her up during these years