First off I need to say that Fakku definitely impressed me. It sort of came out of nowhere maybe... half a year to a year ago? Anyway, there aren't nearly as many doujin sites around nowadays, and the ability to preview as well as download zips of various doujinshi is really nice.
I decided to join the forums because I felt it would be nice to... actually I'm just bored. (-Д-)
About me umm... I'm a junior in college, and I'm studying computer science. (Nerd, xD) I'll help out with technical stuff around the forum if I can. As for contributing material, I'm not too terribly good at that (repeat contributions, etc.) so count me out for now.
I enjoy anime/manga, swimming, coding, and baking. "
I knew Tegs wasn't like she was now back then, but to think.... :O
I could've never imagined Tegs typing so cutely, using "(-Д-)", "umm...", even "xD". EVEN BAKING!
The forums must've really really toughened her up during these years
We all started there.
I know but it's kinda scary to see/think about how Tegumi went from that to what she is now. There's nothing wrong with either one but it was like she was wearing a mask the entire time and as time went by that mask just got weaker until she was able to rip it off and now we see the person behind the mask. Maybe I shouldn't say mask because that implying that she was hiding a bit of herself from us but that isn't right because maybe deep down inside that part of Tegumi is still there but is just shown less frequent than before.
First off I need to say that Fakku definitely impressed me. It sort of came out of nowhere maybe... half a year to a year ago? Anyway, there aren't nearly as many doujin sites around nowadays, and the ability to preview as well as download zips of various doujinshi is really nice.
I decided to join the forums because I felt it would be nice to... actually I'm just bored. (-Д-)
About me umm... I'm a junior in college, and I'm studying computer science. (Nerd, xD) I'll help out with technical stuff around the forum if I can. As for contributing material, I'm not too terribly good at that (repeat contributions, etc.) so count me out for now.
I enjoy anime/manga, swimming, coding, and baking. "
I knew Tegs wasn't like she was now back then, but to think.... :O
I could've never imagined Tegs typing so cutely, using "(-Д-)", "umm...", even "xD". EVEN BAKING!
The forums must've really really toughened her up during these years
We all started there.
I know but it's kinda scary to see/think about how Tegumi went from that to what she is now. There's nothing wrong with either one but it was like she was wearing a mask the entire time and as time went by that mask just got weaker until she was able to rip it off and now we see the person behind the mask. Maybe I shouldn't say mask because that implying that she was hiding a bit of herself from us but that isn't right because maybe deep down inside that part of Tegumi is still there but is just shown less frequent than before.
First off I need to say that Fakku definitely impressed me. It sort of came out of nowhere maybe... half a year to a year ago? Anyway, there aren't nearly as many doujin sites around nowadays, and the ability to preview as well as download zips of various doujinshi is really nice.
I decided to join the forums because I felt it would be nice to... actually I'm just bored. (-Д-)
About me umm... I'm a junior in college, and I'm studying computer science. (Nerd, xD) I'll help out with technical stuff around the forum if I can. As for contributing material, I'm not too terribly good at that (repeat contributions, etc.) so count me out for now.
I enjoy anime/manga, swimming, coding, and baking. "
I knew Tegs wasn't like she was now back then, but to think.... :O
I could've never imagined Tegs typing so cutely, using "(-Д-)", "umm...", even "xD". EVEN BAKING!
The forums must've really really toughened her up during these years
We all started there.
I know but it's kinda scary to see/think about how Tegumi went from that to what she is now. There's nothing wrong with either one but it was like she was wearing a mask the entire time and as time went by that mask just got weaker until she was able to rip it off and now we see the person behind the mask. Maybe I shouldn't say mask because that implying that she was hiding a bit of herself from us but that isn't right because maybe deep down inside that part of Tegumi is still there but is just shown less frequent than before.