Stupidquestionguy wrote...
Drifter995 wrote...
Stupidquestionguy wrote...
Drifter995 wrote...
Request section.
like it's so easy, if you stop watching porn.
Not that fucking hard
exactly my point, why go through the motions? *insert url or* 20-50 minutes later you're golden
the hard part? not watching porn in the first place.
try going two weeks without masturbating, its like running three marathons.
yes, three of them.
i'm not being a douche, you just dislike my point of view - instead of disagreeing respectfully name calling comes into play, showing just what kind of person you are.
Point being, you can still watch porn and get laid. I did that for a few years. Got in trouble once or twice, but they got over it.
Never said you had to stop watching porn. Unless you're devoting your life to it, in which case you probably wouldn't get girls anyway. Cause that's just weird in every way. Sitting down all day just watching porn is weird and creepy.
It's really not. It's nothing like running marathons at all.
Do it for a month and I'll be semi impressed. Join in on the nofaptober event we do, with the occasional nofapvember... or whatever they do here.
And lastly; welcome to ib. I'm a mid-oldfag and an asshole. Again, welcome to ib. We do hope you enjoy your stay, where we don't give a shit if you whinge about getting no sex and are blaming it on porn.
I am getting sex, i'm just super not motivated to get out there.
I'm not just talking about me, but the sociological impacts of young people being exposed to this level of lewdness, the end result winding up being that this kid replaces healthy exploration with unhealthy masturbation.
The end result? A socially inept dweeb unable to talk to women.
Hit kids with scat-doujins, and female pregnancy/creampies as young as 15, and wonder why they prefer their sim dating games over betty at the office.
Or why teenage pregnancy is a thing.
This girl isn't a cartoon nor is she asian. Remember a real girl?
*not to say asians aren't real girl, but come on with your superficial beauty standards, those girls are supermodels or divas the ones linked online*
Someone needs to mentor these kids. I'd wingman every virgin who winds up on one of these sites young, winding up a 30 year old virgin, and not giving a damn one way or the other. I had a friend like that and wondered, even asked him why he hasn't hung himself before now. He gave up all hope of gaining a real girl.
His life revolved around this cartoony crap.
So then, you've changed your point from 'watching porn makes people socially inept' to 'watching 2d cartoon porn makes people socially inept'
Which is it?
Pretty sure the vast majority of the male race (bar those that don't fap for religious reasons) watch porn on a fairly regular basis. getting some or not.
These 'kids' that you're referring to, are socially inept to begin with. Fapping to this stuff doesn't change that. It gives them something to spill their seed over. It doesn't magically make them from suddenly social people to socially inept tards. I don't know where you're getting your logic from, but it's terrible from how you're wording it.
And to 'mentor' one of these virgins, you'd need to be a lot more than what you are to even get through to them. Takes a lot to even remotely get a socially inept person to want to socialise and shit.
Some border on socially retarded, A lot here aren't like that, but there still is a lot of socially awkward people who are virgins. Also a few who are virgins by choice. Be that for anti-feminist reasons, just not liking women in general, being a-sexual or whatever the fuck.
The problem isn't porn/ hentai.
I can give you an example, I'm a little socially awkward. But, at the same time, I can socialise well. I do get times where I get sick of peoples shit, and want to just sit and play games all day, but that happens. finding this website didn't do much to that, other than give me some free porn to read up on. I enjoy reading shit, and the forums used to be fun/ interesting (god I sound like zak now almost). Gave me something to do in the meantime. People to talk to, without having to physically see them, which is good.
At the same time, I'm no virgin. I'm not actively looking for a girlfriend at this stage, either. Have been on a chill cycle, focusing on me, instead of a girlfriend. Means I can smash out a few projects I have, and then eventually look towards a partner. Had the same ideology before (basically won't actively look for a partner, but if something too good to pass up comes my way, I'll snap it up), but came across something/ someone too good to pass up. Things were good for a while, sex was great, then realised we jumped into it way too early/ we were different in a few aspects, and just went our seperate ways. For a socially awkward guy, I've done pretty well. I'm socially awkward, but I know how to be social. Compared to some who are socially awkward, and cannot be social. Hard to teach social to people who can't comprehend it.
Take for example a friend of mine. Mad maths genius. Massive smart ass. Not very good socially. His way of hitting on women involves making fun of them in a joking manner. Half works, mostly doesn't. It's painful to watch.
Another friend, also pretty bloody smart is quite painful. His way of being friends with people is being condescending and an asshole. He hits on women through emotional/ metal hits to the esteem, then swoops in whilst they low. He of course, is an asshole. Could we change it if we tried? no way. He knows nothing else, other than how to be an asshole, and how to make others laugh at your expense.
Another friend of mine is fairly smart, not as smart as the others, he's damn good with the girls. Makes jokes with them, makes them feel happy and all that shit. Gets tonnes of girls a week. I honestly don't know how he juggles it with his game coding, dota 2 leagues and all that shit. Obviously, I don't see much of the first two examples (not being me) and the last example is my best friend. I'm not a huge fan of condescending/ making shots at the expense of others. I'm usually the one taking all the jokes.
edit: I'd also gamble that you're wrong about not learning things from porn. It does have it's merits for learning.