opanihuya wrote...
Stupidquestionguy wrote...
if you could get laid by taking advantage of a girls emotions you'd be one sneaky cunt who needs an ass whoopin.
learn to be confident, don't be a sissy cunt sneak prick.
jumping the gun, no?
Just get over your fear of girls .
Let's say it was a rebound girl you comfort, that relationship is over before it begins. + any girl who would break down in front of you, a stranger isn't all that stable in the first place.
Don't just expect a girl to fall into your arms and break down in tears, spilling out her life story to you - falling in love because you listen, that shit doesn't happen in the real world like in zombieland.
If your motive is just to get in her pants, find a better way.
IF its not? No, i'm not jumping the gun.
I say again, get over your fear of girls. "but its not that easy" you self-defeat yourself agian. just do it, that's all it takes - walk up, and talk to one.
It could even be common ground complaining a simple "great weather eh?" with a smile while its pouring cats and dogs, will make you look attractive.
No girl likes a whiner. Also if any girl were to open up to where you could be comforting, don't just assume she'd open up to you - that's sexist, women are stronger than that and can hide their emotions from the world, get to know one - before you try to comfort her.