Gallowloch wrote...
You don't need that slash after old, Waar. You of all people should know that.
I hope I don't have to explain this one.
1. Yes I did, the slash is me providing a second point to the same subject.
2. You found a typo, it's not relevant.
Sgt.broski wrote...
I post because I feel like it. If there's a post or thread that I like or can relate to then ill post in them. Yes, sometimes I try to connect to what OP or others users are saying but it's not for acceptance or to feel wanted, truly it's not. It's because I basically felt like doing it. You don't need a reason to eat or sleep do you? Now I will admit this, the 1st time I've decided to start posting I did want to be accepted into IB and yeah, I did want you guys to view me as one of your friends but due to some users and the circumstances I knew that it was going to be unlikely if not impossible unless one of us changed and since you guys have been on here for years and I simply refuse to change the way I do things, it just wasn't going to happen.
"Because I feel like it" isn't a reason, it's an explanation as to what's going on, not why it's going on. "I feel like posting because..." is what you're really doing and that because is social acceptance. There are no other reasons to be social in a forum full of anonymous people like IB. You aren't here to gain knowledge, or discuss the finer point of string theory; IB exist to fuck around and talk to people as fucked up as you are, which requires some level of acceptance and respect. Sleeping and Eating have no reason? You're shitting me right? You can't really be this fucking stupid. Survival is a reason, your body cant function without them. Finally even if you "decided to stop trying" your posts indicate that you still long for our love and as I've said before
perception is what's important on a forum.
Sgt.broski wrote...
That's what I was trying to do when I 1st came here. I have asked users how IB worked and how can I "fit in" at that time but yet again, I shouldn't have to feel obligated to try to just fit in with you guys. You're either going to accept the way I do things or we're just going to have to keep repeating this again and again until one of us breaks the other one or until one of us shuns the other. Either way I don't really care in the end but I ok.
When users show up in IB and ask for help the first thing people say is take your time and learn by watching, dont jump right into the action. You shouldn't have to "try to fit in", you should come by it naturally after taking time to feel out the community. That's not what you and solid are doing. Finally I'm going to remind you that if it comes down to a "who breaks first" situation you will be the first to snap, nexus can attest to that. You should take this as me telling you that you have to reform.
Sgt.broski wrote...
This must of had somewhat of an affect on you if you took the time out of your day to call me a try hard but I appreciate the help.
Hah, you must not know me well enough at this point. I feed off this type of stuff. I gain endless pleasure tormenting bad users, and I also gain some real satisfaction reforming them as well. The two possible outcomes are: I convince you to change, you become a better user and the forums get that much better or you and I argue a few more times and then I force you out, win - win for me.
Sgt.broski wrote...
That's true, I wasn't a(n) active member here on the forums but I remember coming across this one while still trying to figure out what/how was IB.
Then it was never a problem for you. It's pretty much why I called you out in the first place, you missed pretty much everything that had to do with lol12 and his adventures.
Sgt.broski wrote...
I know it's alright to be new here but that's still doesn't change the fact that I refuse to try to do stuff that I normally wouldn't do. I mean yea Im always up for advice that I can actually benefit from and yea we got in arguments before but I am wiling to patch up and say "look, I know we got off on the wrong foot but lets try to get along better my nig",or something corny like that but if that mean I gotta do all this extra stuff to get you guys to understand that this is how I communicate then that boat has already sailed off. Now with all that said, you guys are cool people and I would like for us to get along better as adults but if I gotta ass-kiss then I'm sorry but its not gonna work out.
Also, this is all I gotta say. I can't be anymore blunt about this and cannot simplify it anymore than what I've just done. If you got anything else to say to me then cool but if its a repeat I will read it but it won't be anymore replies.
What wouldn't you normally do? Try real hard to get accepted? You already said you tried once and most or your post still reek of that very same desperation. It's not extra stuff, I'm literally asking you to do less. Post less for a while and figure things out. You should be able to get a feel for it unless you're one of those extremely rare cases who are simply incapable of finding a place here. No one wants you to be a nut-puppy we're just asking you to chill the fuck out.
I'm not sure why you felt you had to be blunt, I understood everything you said and I'm pretty sure I addressed all of your points. If you don't have anything to say in reply I understand as long as you know that you
will have to change.
Bill wrote...
Is not the act of preparing those facsimiles, attempting them through trial and error... Is that not exactly like trying to find a style in and of itself? No one goes through life knowing who they are right off the bat, we take from the world around us and attempt to form what we find appealing to our own will and personality. Eventually we get a good grasp of who we are but that takes time. You don't honestly expect him to be able to find out what he likes and is comfortable with at the snap of a finger do you?
Also, there is a line where teaching with humility simply becomes an act of humiliation for the student. Some of what you've written is genuinely good advice and an attempt to help him, but most of it just seems like you are enjoying touting your own experience and status over his. I could be wrong, I do not know you very well, but I have read quite a few of your posts and this isn't the first time I've seen you respond in a similar tone. You're not going to help him if you make him feel even more unwanted and drive him into a hurried confusion over finding out what his own style is.
I don't believe trying to create a carbon copy of another users posting style is the same thing as coming up with your own style organically, there are plenty of awkward as fuck users who don't irk me because they don't try to emulate others, they're being natural... natural retards, but natural nonetheless. My style was more of a natural evolution, I didn't copy anyone to became the poster I am today.
You've seemed to have misunderstood what I am as well. I'm not here to coddle new users while surviving on a steady diet of hope that they might grow into productive members of our community, I give them a swift kick in the ass and push them off the cliff myself. The only reason I started off my highlighted the difference in our experience level was because it was the premise his post was alluding to: an abundance of familiarity with the events of this thread. I don't really see a reason to deny that my methods of forcing reforms are harsh, I don't have time to handhold every newfag that shows up, the chat section can do that. Making him feel welcome isn't my job, and it's not something I choose to volunteer for. So if they want to remain in the worst(best) section on Fakku it's going to be sink or swim and right now my money is on sink.