SolidShark wrote...
Or maybe because
I'm different. I don't mind hearing others and putting in my two cents of help. I enjoy doing so.
Unlike others here, I don't fancy calling other users faggots or imbeciles. I know how it feels, happened in my life, I don't do it.
Then as stated earlier: you don't belong here. You can't refuse to convert to this section's culture and expect no one to object when you toss up stupid or beta comments. The very nature of the board is to eat people like you.
Bill wrote...
You don't need to be a moderator in order to force your ideals and standards on the forum, anyone is capable of doing that. I'd bet a good amount that you were forcing your ideals and standards onto others long before you had the responsibility.
Probably but that doesn't change any of the facts, I am a moderator, I can force people to change and will if I feel like it. Make your own website if you don't like that, is probably still free.
Bill wrote...
I didn't say your advice was to rush, I said the method your using and the way through which you're 'giving him advice' is going to rush him.
If it does then it means he wasn't able to adapt quickly enough, but as I have evidence that some users have been able to adapt in the past I have no reason to treat him less severely. Like I said "sink or swim".
Bill wrote...
waar wrote...
There is no false guise I was very clear about how I enjoy mocking people, and if it helps someone get better it's a bonus.
waar wrote...
it's your uphill battle I'm trying to help(God knows why)
Going by your own words your real intention was just to mock him and not actually help him at all.
Did you read the rest of my post? I never hid my hostility. I do want him to get better(I called it a secondary goal) but my overall goal to mock him couldn't have been missed, a blind retarded monkey could see my intent, so how did you miss it? You act as if my primary goal is in direct conflict with my secondary when it's not. I can have my cake and eat it too.
Bill wrote...
Anyone who is as balls deep in love with themselves as you are isn't capable of making critical judgements on the behaviours of others. You put too much of yourself into it, you have no idea whether or not Solid would moderate or act like you do if he had the responsibility. Someone doesn't need to be in a position to change problems in order to do something about them, the difference between he and you is that if you were both on the same level, you would ridicule someone else for their problems and he would probably step back and say "everyone has their problems, even me." The reason I think so is because he actually willingly admits when he's in the wrong or if he's not doing something appropriately or made a brash decision. You on the other hand would probably just sit there in continual denial if anyone ever called you out. You're the kind of conceited fool who would think admitting he's wrong is an act of great shame.
By the way they aren't called sections they're called forums, the collective of the forums as a whole is called a message board or bulletin board, or usually just board.
That's complete nonsense, the vast majority of people who are paid to critique others, or to help other human beings(psychiatrists, psychologist) are narcissists. I do recognize others would do my job differently, they do do my job differently(the rest of the staff), but I'm not asking him to conform to my standard of moderation, I'm asking him to conform to the sections standard of posting. I don't understand your point here, you're pretty much just complaining about how you believe he would handle things differently than I would and that you believe his method would be better. What I don't understand is why you think your opinion matters? You're incensed that I'm an egotistical jerk? So what of it? It doesn't make your opinion matter more, nor does it make you right. Thus far I've had evidence that my methods work and I've seen nothing but hostility and failure arise when I haven't stepped in(the way he was treated by the community before I even spoke to him is evidence).
As a final note: that's a weird point you made about the name of our forums and sections because if I look up at the menu bar it says forums and when I was a section moderator the site owner called us section moderators. Perhaps you should leave your knowledge of other forums out of our debate, they're wrong and make you look ignorant of our customs.
Bill wrote...
When I want to help someone I do it because I genuinely wish to do so, not because I want to impress those around me. The way you say these things just makes it seem like you're trying to justify your actions and the person you are.
That's good for you, you're a really good person. Back in the real world where the rest of us live I'm a grey area, someone who's is both good and bad. Like the rest of the world I prioritize my own interest over those of others. It doesn't mean I don't care about what's good, nor the best interest of those around me, but on these forums I'm permitted to put them behind my own. I have nothing to justify, it's simply the facts.
Bill wrote...
"I'm a moderator so I have the right to force my conceited opinions and ideals."
(Hiding behind the title of moderator, how mature.)[/quote]
I am a mod, I can force others to do what I want. I'm not hiding, I'm presenting facts. I don't see how maturity has anything to do with this. You're trying to do the same thing to me, you're attempting to force your preachy self-righteous(some might say arrogant) opinions and ideals on me but the only difference is you have no power to enforce it.
Bill wrote...
"Arrogant bravado and confidence are the same thing on a forum so I'm actually a confident person."
Confidence and bravado are indistinguishable from each other on a forum, so regardless of which I have in abundance they both amount to the same thing: someone with more power than you telling you how things are. It still has nothing to do with this debate or my choices.
Bill wrote...
"All people who post on a forum seek the acceptance of others."
All people who post in IB seek acceptance, the other forums may give people knowledge or assistance among other things but IB is special.
Bill wrote...
"I'm mocking someone and I get pleasure out of this but it's okay because It's also a form of advice and they can learn something from it."
I mock people and it's okay because that's both what the section is for and what I want to do, helping is just an added bonus if it happens.
Bill wrote...
What, are you insecure with yourself? Jesus man, just come out say you're an arrogant prick and you enjoy being like that. There isn't any reason for you to beat around the bush like you are to wind up saying the exact same thing at the end of the day.
I have admitted countless times in the past that I'm an asshole and love acting this way, it seems maybe you just didn't get the memo. I'm not beating around any bush, I can't be more clear about my message, but you seem to have trouble grasping it. Maybe you should spend more than 5 minutes on a website so you can get a better understanding of your surroundings in the future. What this seems to come down to is you don't believe I can both help him and mock him, and I do; good thing it's up to me which path I choose to take.
Bill wrote...
What shit? This board is very tame compared to others and other moderators seem to deal with it without romping around like a jackass and picking on other people to make them feel better about themselves. Of course you aren't them, maybe you're just not the best at handling the 'shit' moderators have to put with?
I agree, Fakku is tame, and the other mods do deal with it differently than I do. Now you're trying to guess at my motives, and we've barely gone on our first date. I'd at least like to get the cheque before you try to boil my entire psyche down into "he has self esteem issues". You don't know me very well and you don't know these
forums at all it seems so while your soap box is pretty it's not something I've never seen before. You think I'm a big jerk, you don't like the way I do things, you think you know everything about me and think I should be fired. So this is where I tell you all of that is meaningless, you won't get me fired, you wont convince me to reform(as you've stated nothing but your opinions and indignation), and you won't change this
section's purpose or the culture of it's community, save yourself some time and either leave this
section or get used to how things work around here. I just saved us both 10 pages of back and forth where you leave unsatisfied.