Longevity wrote...
Good point, considering I don't really talk to anyone on skype anyways. I guess I just wanted to have the ability if the time came.
Well, ok.
Longevity wrote...
How tall are you?
Too tall.
Darkhilt wrote...
What would someone get if they were to put $50 into your Paypal?
Significant amounts of gratitude?
Arinaz wrote...
Favorite pizza topping?
Yoshii wrote...
OT: What's your favorite genre in music?
Classical. Or, anything with piano in it.
Longevity wrote...
How do you feel about the institution of marriage?
I don't really have any problems with it, why?
goobyplz wrote...
So i see almost every users in here had fictional anime characters as their waifus so how about you?
Do you have one?
Yes: https://www.fakku.net/viewtopic.php?t=78691
imnotyourdude wrote...
When are we going to see the next post on Fakku's worst threads?
Funny you should ask. It's in progress as we speak.
Kai Shinza wrote...
Tegumi I am making a comic for FAKKU would you mine me depicting you with cat ears?
Also does this look like Jacob.
If you want to?
Not really.
Data Zero wrote...
I thought you were a guy, But im happy i know that is wrong.
OT: Hows life near you?
Why are you happy to know you were wrong?
It's fine.