devsonfire wrote...
yummines wrote...
devsonfire wrote...
A friend of mine posted this.
he or she is full of shit. or at least is pretending to be.
of course nobody writes that they care about children dying in another country. because it would be lying if they said they did. you may cry when a friend of yours dies in a car accident, but probably won't even come close to tears when you hear a bus got bombed in Israel. you're such an asshole because 1 guy in America died, but you don't care about a busload of people dying? right.
People say their heart goes out to Boston because they know that the same thing could have happened to them. It's the same country after all, so they know that feel. However we don't live in a developing country, nor is anyone attacking us. So we don't know that feeling of starving (well maybe that one) or being attacked by drones. You can't really give condolences to someone who lives in a completely different world from you. not to mention even if you wanted to, there would be no way to contact them reliably anyways.
Let's say he's muslim from Afghanistan who left his country less than 5 years ago. What are you going to say now? You're also implying as if he doesn't care about the bombing in Boston, which in my opinion clouded your judgment.
I have to agree with you that you can't give condolences towards someone you don't know or are/were in the same situation as you. But, I don't think that was his point. I see that his point was almost the whole world threw condolences towards the victims of Boston bombings just like kids throwing pebbles on to the river, whereas little to none did towards millions that died in the Middle East. Why? I'm starting to question that myself.
You know, I shouldn't be talking like this, because personally, both doesn't really matter to me. It's just like you said, you can't give condolences towards someone you don't know. But, I personally think it's better to not give a shit at all.
that doesn't change my opinion. he mentioned kids in Somalia and Ethiopia, which i assume he has never been there nor talked to people from there.
i didn't say he didn't care about the bombing. it's more that he seemed to take a "holier than thou" stance which i cannot stand. I'm pretty sure he in his heart of hearts doesn't really care about those people either.
and people throw condolences because these things don't happen very often. drone strikes and children starving happens so much that people have sort have become numb to it. like you hear about a car bomb in the middle east (not gonna mention any particular countries) and you just think "oh, another one by radicalists"
now is it right for people to become numb to starvation but freak out about a bombing that only killed 2 people? probably not. but there really is not much to do, other than provide humanitarian aid to prevent those kinds of world issues from happening in the first place.
If you ask him he'll probably say he really does care. But if you really think about it, why would he? Obviously it would make you look bad if you said that you didn't, but nobody can really say for sure that they do.
i don't care if i'm a piece of shit for saying i don't care about starving children in Somalia. besides the fact that i can't really do much about it, i highly doubt anyone can really say they care unless they're actually going over to Somalia and helping them out.
i don't mind him bringing up huge world issues like that. however i do mind him bringing up those issues to take that kind of stance as if saying "i care about these things so i'm a better person than you"