high_time wrote...
Ah yeah, that's what I mean. A good idea about toilets and farts =)
To put it simply, it's just like trying to draw a detailed anime CG without even learning about basic coloring and shading, yup I got the picture. Well I'm not that creative so I'd better off improving my writing structure hahaha~
[align=justify][color=green][font=verdana]Yes, pretty much. I suppose that is an apt analogy.
I mean, in Harry Potter, you have a writer who had a brilliant idea, but in all actuality, her writing style wasn't very good. It is very basic, in all honesty. But, what J.K.Rowling has in abundance is descriptive skill - she describes everything in great detail, hence why people were very engrossed in the books. Accessible and descriptive. If in doubt, fall back on those two key points. Don't use "said" too much as well - J.K.Rowling did, and it really irritates me. Also, show, don't tell. Use description amount to determine speed of the scene.
But yeah, work on writing structure. Read other people's work to see what senses they access when they write their scenes; sounds, smells, feeling. Everything sense matters, not just sight. Decide on a perspective from the off; don't jump from first person to third person. Will you follow one character, or move from character to character? These are all very important points.