Past the servants' quarters, you mainly find typical manor-based rooms. The living room, dining room, main hall, library and kitchen are the main areas. If you desire, you can make a snack for yourself while you're there. We'd ask our own "Unlockable Iron Chef" mibuchiha-san, but he doesn't come around as much anymore.
All of the rooms upstairs belong mainly to the Mistress, including her own personal bedroom, study, washroom, and so on and so forth.
*leads Serim outside*
Here is mainly the courtyard and the gardens, tended to by our gardener Zafhner. Friendly chap, that Zafh, though he has the potential to be a little loony. Of course, with the little plant children under his control, no one ever says that out loud.
*turns to face Serim*
This may seem like a harsh job, but I'm sure you'll get used to it. All you need to do is be there for the Mistress, and ask if she ever needs anything. You're lucky you didn't apply for Butler. To get the job, I actually had to go up against Kei. Now I know why he's bodyguard around here.
Oh, and don't forget to clean around once in a while, especially when the place seems empty. Keep this up, and you might just be promoted to Head Maid ;)
That will cover all I need to know for now. On a side note I think I would like to see what Rise-ojousama would do to Keinova if such an event would occur
Don't worry. I've never really seen any of these punishments in action. The Mistress either says something demeaning or insulting, or she just straight up fires you.
Don't worry, you seem nice. Pay attention to what I said, and you'll be fine.
The living room, dining room, main hall, and library have all been dusted, swept, then polished. All things are in order in the rooms from the living room furniture to all books properly returned to their shelves.
And would it not take some time to be able to reach that page?
@artcellrox: That was directed at the comment in his sig that says that he will stop smoking
@girutiya: It is a name formed from 3 letters from another name for the purpose of being unique and carrying no relation to anything modern or historical, be it biblical or anything fictitious or the like. Its actually pronunciation is Se(the sound of "e" in set) and rim (rim of a hat) but tends to more misunderstood as serum.