Joshnickle wrote...
Cinia Pacifica wrote...
Joshnickle wrote...
True, but doesn't it mean being a leader too the people above all else? I can imagine some cases where there may be a queen who likes too spend most of her time in her room but, does go out and greet her people and do her duties.
'sheltered girls' are hikki equivalents here basically, but they're the type that usually wants to be outgoing, but thats for young ojous i guess, definitely no adult.
being a leader and working your way up to be one are different things. ojous aren't born leaders, nor are anyone else; be it kings or queens of the past.
there aren't queens like that out there. duties of a queen can be surprisingly taxing and time consuming. it's either laze or not laze.
You are right, I mistake the fact of hikkis as people who just like spending most of their time in their room. I feel that a true queen or king is taught,and shown the way before so though, traumatic events could also change how one acts and could allow a king or queen too take the steps too becoming a leader. I suppose a queen could have people some things here and there for them, only requiring them too approve or disapprove statements, Show up too meetings, give speeches, etc.
I like you ojou-sama! XD
hikkis are traditionally the shut-ins who literally do nothing and play games or all day or uses the internet for whatever. we have some of those out here on ctfg. the japanese hikkis, however, are usually otakus with food and every necessity in reach, literally (snacks at arm's distance).
exactly, being taught is a way of climbing up. mind you, not climbing up among the ranks to be a socially accepted leader, but going up to their one true path.
traumatic events, huh? well, experience is a solid proof to oneself often enough. i can see why they influence a person's life.
yep, that's their job, to be the natural linchpin of the entire fan. the fan would otherwise fall apart.