Joshnickle wrote...
Cinia Pacifica wrote...
lol, it's not a fact that i am an ojou, it's just an online facade.
oh, predetermined in that way. well i wouldn't call it predetermined, more like organized. but yeah, lack of freedom is one of the many prices of being a queen
lol dream crusher, I know I just like calling you one, kinda grew on me.
too organized in that sense I would say.
"The price of freedom steep?"
I personally love your avatar and what does cinia Pacifica mean and why use it as a username?
i crush and step on dreams as if stepping on ants. feels good, i tell you. no, not in the sexual sense, you vile and perverted villain.
organized is good tho. ever considered how not being organized can actually waste time?
people loves freedom. i sure as hell do. family is always out to limit my freedom here, so i understand its value.
Cinia Pacifica is the name of a character i grew to love from Sword Girls Online.
Cinia is a Latin name meaning curly haired, while Pacifica is of Spanish origin meaning peaceful.