cruz737 wrote...
El ORLY wrote...
cruz737 wrote...
El ORLY wrote...
cruz737 wrote...
El ORLY wrote...
cruz737 wrote...
El ORLY wrote...
cruz737 wrote...
El ORLY wrote...
I think op is mad..
Are you mad, op?
Hang on, let me get my cup
You know that means jizz, right?
Are you offering to drink it if it is?
I'm not the one who owns/uses the mug and has a victim complex.
Nice rebuttal though. Enjoy your unintended self deprecating mug.
One should learn not to take themselves so seriously. It is unbecoming.
Any less flattering then asking someone to drink a mug of jizz because they made fun of you?
So is it jizz then? I thought it was male tears but you said it was jizz.
Make up your mind.
Are you lacking brain cells? I said male tears
are jizz. Why are you trying to make it seem like I said those two things were at odds?
I think you went full retard. Sit down, relax, drink some coffee or tea from your jizz mug and stop and think before you write down something. Especially when you're trying to be clever.
Dude, my original post was a meant to be a joke.
The fact you taken this far and with such seriousness kinda suggest you may have some deep seated issues with women going beyond gamergate. All it was a pic of drinking male tears but evidently that was such a no-no notion in your world that you just had to try to turn it around by saying it was jizz thus making me seem like the joke was on me.
For the record, I got no love for first world femenist/third wave...
I was going to continue this a bit more but by the looks of it, you already got your panties in a bunch.
Dude my original post was meant to make fun of hypersensitive idiots who inadvertently make fun of themselves(like you). I never once brought gender to the plate because it's kinda irrelevant. Why are you claiming I'm mad when you're the one getting super defensive and butthurt when told their wrong?
Stop trying to make a situation where I'm calling you an idiot into something more than that to make me seem like some horrible bigot for correcting you. How can you claim to dislike 1st world feminist/3rd wavers when you're copying their most common technique, crying sexism when someone tells you that you're wrong?
Hypersensitive? Defensive butthurt? Are you sure you are not projecting?
I was laughing the whole time but it seemed somewhere along the lines I struck a nerve with you for you seem to have lost your shit. Then again I guess its kinda hard to tell when a person is joking, serious or mad for that matter when it comes to text, so I'll give you that.
All I really expected from my original post was a,"haha fuck you, too", but then you appeared.
I don't think I called you a bigot, but I do find it possible you might have women issues after how you fixated on certain things. The only reason I even mentioned women/gamergate was cus I seen some of your past posts and was curious as to what kind of response I would get this time from you. A little troll bait, I guess.
I'm not crying sexism nor playing the victim, so I dunno where you get that from.
I say again, it was a joke that should've never spawn a serious discussion on IB of all boards.
As for being me being wrong, I don't even know if you are referring to the whole male tears=/= jizz. I stopped caring lol