BigBudNineOneActual wrote...
echoeagle3 wrote...
BigBudNineOneActual wrote...
echoeagle3 wrote...
anyone feel like they keep releasing basically the same anime over and over?
Well, if i see a re-hash/shitty anime i'll just stop watching it without being a super edgy, ungrateful, and whiny bitch on the internet about it.
But that's just how i roll and i won't force it to anyone.
woah, are you calling me a super edgy ungrateful whiny bitch?
No... I'm referring to the anime elitist dicks and not you.
Oh, well I do see people talk about how anime was good back in the day or whatever and now its shit. But you want to know what I think. I think that anyone that has watched anime for long enough will begin to think its not as good anymore. Not beacuse things have changed for the worse, but beacuse you have seen too much dam anime and so all the common trends and tropes that get over used just kind of upset you since you have seen them a million times