Another update:
Nude Beach was meh, maybe i went to the wrong time there.. Driving a car on the left sight was also fun but a little bit difficult on the start. Everything is upside down as in Germany. x_x The weekend would be a better time for it for sure. But i had this wonderful sight from the top on the street:
I've also visited "Sea Life" which was pretty fun to see all the animals.
Today i've visited the Melbourne Convention Center for the Natural & Organic Supershow which offered a lot of free food. Most of them were (tasty!) Chocolate, Protein Bars, Muesli and Coconut Stuff. Bought also some Chocolate and Coconutoil for cooking and baking. The guys who sold me the oil said also i can use it on toast like butter. Will try it.
There's almost nothing in my Cool bag in the fridge so i have to go to the shop to buy some food for the whole week. I have to change the hostel on Tuesday, then i will move more into the city, can't wait for it!
Also, Bonus Pic for @Minakami Ryuu:
Also for @Sanada-Kun: