Dr Shaneman wrote...
Kiba Eve Fumihiro wrote...
Dr Shaneman wrote...
Kiba Eve Fumihiro wrote...
*rolls around shaney's thread*
Eve drinks Sake?
Yeah it's my fave~o,o
Dr Shaneman wrote...
Kiba Eve Fumihiro wrote...
Haron nii is following you around~! ò.ó
He does that cause he knows I like it.
Why can't he follow meeeeee~T^T Ahhhhhh fuck it. It's cause I'm a girl everyone's so prejudiced against me...(n=_=)n
Is all Sake the same or does it vary?
Haron has been my yandere guardian for many years now. It's not you at all.yy
I love ya Eve~
Awwww...thank you.

it's kinda hard feeling when your being misunderstood all the time when I just want to be like everyone else and like my male characters and show my love and appreciation for them like the guys do for there waifu's~Even if the roles reversed and some guys I like are kinda yandere atm but hey! It's my personal choices and none of their business! I just wanna be loved and respected like everyone else~;.; ohhhh I'm sorry I just went on a random rant rampage~>_<;;;
Also I have LOTSA energy so my own enthusiasm can lead to misinterpretations. >_<;;; uguu~the life of a kokonut now Kiba Eve~;//; -goes in corner embarrassed about my rant- *sigh* I'm starting to wonder if I should keep taking these drugs so I don't feel anything..~_~ btw I know it's has nothing to do with you but I TOTALLY messed up in a different skype group (not one I recently created) and just made a big messy fool of myself. Dx wish I zap everything I said straight to the garbage before I say it~xD if only time travel existed I'd be like, "Stop." e_é
I tried a thicker sake called pearl that had a higher alcohol content and looked pure white not see through like most sake. I'm not sure what they did to it but it tasted just fine like the others~hmm.. I don't really have a favorite. But I bet the more expensive kinds have a yummy "different" taste~:P