Dr Shaneman wrote...
Hatsuname wrote...
He was nice and friendly to me in the past.... Made me feel comfortable and welcomed on the site.
But he hates me and has a replacement, he shows affection to Kiba because he knows it makes me feel uncomfortable chatting with him...
You think too rationally Hatsun.
He hasn't replaced you. luin talks to anyone who gives him courtesy.
He just doesn't like people who are full-on. This means no licking or those other silly things you keep trying to do to him.
Anyone else can and does the same, It's the fact that it's me that does it...
I tried hugging Luin for thanking him yet he still feels harassed.
He said he forgave me on numerous occasions but says I have to wait a few months or a year just to earn his "Trust." But he shown me his trust is just him playing favorites....