Gahald_Mills wrote...
AzelleFans wrote...
Gahald_Mills wrote...
HurrDurrpingson wrote...
Gahald_Mills wrote...
HurrDurrpingson wrote...
Gahald_Mills wrote...
HurrDurrpingson wrote...
Gahald_Mills wrote...
HurrDurrpingson wrote...
Gahald_Mills wrote...
HurrDurrpingson wrote...
Gahald_Mills wrote...
HurrDurrpingson wrote...
Gahald_Mills wrote...
HurrDurrpingson wrote...
Gahald_Mills wrote...
HurrDurrpingson wrote...
Mills... you're scaring me with that sig.
I have the white and black's even more
@ Azelle : ahh.. I see...just don't catch a cold azelle..*pats*
Oh oh, I wanna see! *jumps in lap*
*catches*..[size=1]well this is rare..[/h] you go
What is it eating?
Why don't you know..? *curls up in his lap*
because it's a secret..*pats durpy*
I like sitting here, it's nice and comfy, always soft. No one's fighting to sit In mills' lap.
lol..silly durpy...*pinches your cheeks*.. o3o
Uu.. I'm not silly.
I'm fine where I am Hatsun.
still cute though.. o3o
*Turns over* Don't call me that, not cute either.
alright alright...*pinch your nose*.. o3o
*Falls asleep in his lap*
well, looks like I'll stay on this pose for the night...*makes durpy comfortable on my lap*
Hmm, interesting view. I'd rather bite silly Mills' head than curled up on his lap, but it's good nonetheless.
Also, hi to Luin-san.
you always bite my head!.. D:
Hmm, not always. You do realize that I haven't bite you nowadays, right? Or bonks your silly head, in that matter. Nonetheless, I'm still doing it more 'elegant' than that creature in your sig, silly Mills.
Hi to the cool-half asleep Tsamari-san.