Tsamari wrote...
Gubi wrote...
Tsamari wrote...
Gubi wrote...
Tsamari wrote...
Gubi wrote...
Tsamari wrote...
Gubi wrote...
Good for you^^
How the armor? To your liking?
[color=#ff69b4]It is a trophies of my win.
I like it. Good badass, but makes a little to slow of my liking. I may just keep using my Ninja armor.
Um it might just be me, but your sig is all dead.
Also how was your day?
[color=#ff69b4]Shows for me. I'll reupload everything.
My day was ok. 5 hours of trying to kill two bosses.
Well done ^^.
First time took me about the same. Maybe a bit less can't remember. The times after that are faster.
[color=#ff69b4]I'm just not sure where to go now D:
The answer to that is forward!
Actually the answer is to go to demon ruins, dukes archives, new londo and catacombs.
Have you found the rite of kindling yet?
[color=#ff69b4]I was in Demon ruins and I killed the fire thing of the first boss you fight at the start of the game then i want more down into
hell and got killed by the next boss there. I'm guessing I can't take him just yet.
And no.
Hmm so you fought Firesage, so you got destroyed by Centipede? Also yes we agree, HELL IS REAL.
Ok so you see firelink shrine?
Do you there is a small alcove with a pool. Next to that on the left is a stairway, and some skeletons further away. Go that way and
And you will love the rite of kindling. Love it. Seriously.
And I pray for thee. Umbasa.