luinthoron High Priest of Loli
Time to get disappointed.
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
The juries sure love your song...

Well, sucks to be you...
Taz_9000 Cafe Regular
not surprised
but surprised by the number of countries that got zero points.
am sure there is some point fixing going on.

i think there should be no jury votes and should only be public votes.
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
I think there should be no public votes and should only be jury votes.
Taz_9000 Cafe Regular
jury did no give that many votes to Finland but the public did.
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
True, but more often than not the public votes for friendly countries, not songs.
Taz_9000 Cafe Regular
same can be said for Jury votes.
and sure when each country do the Jury vote, there is some political issues taken into place at the same time.
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
In some countries, sure. :(
Taz_9000 Cafe Regular
would have liked finland to win but am ok with Italy.
luinthoron High Priest of Loli

Apparently Estonian public gave Finland 12 points. Didn't waste my vote this year for a change.
luinthoron wrote...
I think there should be no public votes and should only be jury votes.

Don't we say this every year?

Didn't agree with Italy winning. They're another country who's songs I rarely like. France 2nd? Iceland 4th? pfffft.
Taz_9000 Cafe Regular
France was just horrible.

I know UK will get zero
We are spectacular failures.
Taz_9000 Cafe Regular
most of Europe do like the brits as most brits are arrogant.

Like the british women who went to spain during a spain public holiday and complained how the hotel was full of Spanish people and no one spoke English.
Or like how most brits o to live in other countries but call them self an expat instead of a immigrant.
Or how they goto other countries for holiday and do not bother to learn the native language and learn some basic and complain when no one speaks English.
Most of Europe speak at least 2 languages.
We've always been that way about languages yeah.
Thinking everyone should know English since 4 major countries speak it.
Taz_9000 Cafe Regular
Dr Shaneman wrote...

Thinking everyone should know English since 4 major countries speak it.

this is way people do not like use as we think everyone should speak English.
For a lot of people speaking english or not will not make difference in their life.

While English might be the number spoken language on the planet, this is made up of native and none native/2nd language.

The number one language spoken as 1 st/ native is Mandarin
and English being the 3rd.

the way i see it, people should learn at least the basic lanuage of the country they will be going to.
Also this was the first Eurovision after Brexit.
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
Hello, everyone! ^_^
Taz_9000 Cafe Regular
how is everyone
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
Good morning! ^_^
Monster Girl
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