For those who doesn't know how to play a Rol game i'll explain the rules:
You have to create a character, that will represent you in the entire game, you will create de stories that happen to your character, but always following the rules of the Master (In this case, me) and the laws of logic (Example: If X says that he killed himself, Z cannot include X in his future stories)
The scenario of this game will be FAKKU! City, a town were the characters will experience things that might happen in a hentai world, YES, you WILL have to tell your character's sexual experiences, this game is not for shy people, the goal of the game is that everyone share their fantasies, i didn't make this cause i'm horny xD (For that i have my hentai) this is just about having some fun and... daring.
Your characters must have a name (Not necessarly your nick), age, and if you want phsical and emotional description.