Waar wrote...
As far as Kuro's request, chat threads don't break rules and thus I can't stop them. He is trying to appeal to you as a fellow user who wants his threads respected. He is saying you are part of a bigger problem in IB. It does have something to do with you but what he seems to be mostly mad about is your choice of words.
Exacly. Thanks for understanding and getting my message across.
I respect that the rules allow for chat threads to be made, but I think it has gone to a point where it's become ridulous. And that's why I'm mad. Anyways, yeah, I'll leave you guys in peace now.
edit: actually, not just yet.
Haburi-Chan wrote...
Well I really don't mean any harm with it. If you're willing to decrease the number of these topics, you could start with the nationality based one. We all talk English here anyway.
Why do you keep pointing your finger? Can you not understand and admit the downsides to your chat thread?
Quadratic wrote...
I still think chat threads should be taken elsewhere though. IRC, Chatroll, they all work. It's not like the messages get deleted or anything. So what if it takes a few hours for someone to respond? It's still more private than here. <.<;;
This man speaks the truth.