Room101 wrote...
Misaki_Chi wrote...
Room101 wrote...
Nah, nothing more than the usual thing.
Nothing that substance abuse doesn't clear up, anyway.
Hmmmmm, I just started my spring holidays, but I haven't played many games yet...
Holidays are nice, my 'technical' holiday ends in march. Doing anything exciting?
I don't start my University until...early April, I think?
Well, not really. I'm currently on exchange year in Japan. I don't really have the money to go anywhere outside the town, but luckily this town is Tokyo.
Although, I hate partying, so it's not like I'll still go anywhere beyond a few obligatory visits.
That's cool though that you were able to do that with your university. The only place I could've gone was London (were still trying to expand our exchange program for nursing), but I didn't have the funds/it didn't appeal to me like other countries.
I think I'm gonna get ready to go to sleep now, so talk with you later good people in the club. Goodnight
*goes into office with fluffy pillows*