Room101 wrote...
Eh, I dunno.
I feel really bored whenever I'm waiting for my Strike the Blood downloads to finish.
But then again, it's only the second day of my "proper" Spring vacation.
On the upside, whole bunch of people left the dorm, so I won't be bothered by parties and the like.
Dorm parties were such a pain for me, I was happy when I finally got off campus and found a single all to myself and no roommates. Plus side is my bff is only a few doors down and my bf is a quick drive away (^^)
Tsamari wrote...
[color=#ff69b4]+ 10 Points for me! I just got mistaken for a girl.
Who thought you were a girl?
Nevermind lol, just saw. I would have made the same mistake too if I didn't know you (^^)