Tsamari wrote...
Misaki_Chi wrote...
Hiya Tsamari, I'm in and out at the moment, busy cleaning my place.
How are you guys?
[color=#ff69b4] Heya Misa-chan~<3
I've been good. I order my necklace :D
I noticed in an earlier post (even if I don't say so I do lurk lol). I hope it's as nice as it looked online (^^)
I'm suppose to be getting something from my bf in the mail in the next couple of days for valentines even though we weren't suppose to this year, so I've been stalking my mailbox incase it somehow got here early!
@Ara: It's been going pretty well, luckily I've been more on top of things then I use to so it shouldn't be too bad. I just don't wanna do laundry!!