Tsamari wrote...
asaforever wrote...
Tsamari wrote...
asaforever wrote...
So i finished my (as posted on FB) status on my last game now!
Finished the second game on my list [Alan Wake]
My small thoughts/review on it:
Story ...twisted, confusing, yet drawing you into the tense and scary atmosphere.
Soundtrack is made very well, and always fitting the situations and scares.
Lots of scares, tricky mini-bosses, and loooong 6 episodes of being afraid to run out of ammo, since you never keep the weapons after an episode ended.
I give it a 7.8 / 10
Next game on my neverending list is [Alice: Madness Returns]
Not quite sure it will fit my taste, but ill give it a go =)
@Tsama *hugs*
@Misa Good skills, well put to use~
I still need to get and play Alice: Madness Returns.
But how you like the ending?
[color=blue]a mix of confused about it and understanding it.
I never expected the family ties till the last chapter >.<
And the last thing Alan said that the end.
"It's not a lake, it's a ocean" Game ends. Us "0_o what just happen? And why did i kill a tornado?
[color=blue]The tornado was just Barbara throwing cars at you xD
@Misaki: well my 7.8 is close to your 8 too, and i wish older RE parts would be remade again with current-gen graphics!
oldscool scares... doors, crows, dogs through windows...<3
And lets not forget Mr.X!