Enos29 wrote...
EineKrone wrote...
Enos29 wrote...
@Krone: Almost right, It's Katzenjunge :p And why i'm a Catboy? D:
I'm the Meerkat boy, no more place for another. Then you be the Katze boy.
(and for some reason the color scheme of your avi's shirt brings cats to mind.)
How can you see a cat on Erika wearing the german soccer dress? =3=
..You wanting logic from a guy who impersonates Meerkats in his free time? :D
Just random thoughts that come to mind when I have too much free time(always).
Anyways, from now on you're the DeutschKatzen. PURR FOR ME.
Have patience until Sneaky wakes up?
The people I know who edit don't mess with gifs so...