xninebreaker wrote...
I didn't get far. I'm waiting to see if he will produce anymore before I even give it a chance. I'd rather not waste my time if he's just trolling and mocking the writing community.
I don't think he's trolling, I believe he's simply undereducated about upper-level writing. If he didn't mention he was married, I would have bet that he was under-age. For the most part, he doesn't make too many mistakes. While there may not be too many errors in punctuation, capitalization, or spelling, his grammar is informal and casual. When I was a kid, I probably had chapters that long as well, but you grow through experience in reading and writing more to understand how long a chapter should 'be' (actually, more like 'feel' since it's dependent on the story and flow). He probably discovered a spontaneous interest in writing within himself recently.
Not too many people are doing this, but don't disrespect him or assume anything about him just from a simple copy-paste. I fall back on the golden rule that if you can't say something constructive, don't say anything at all. While it is true I haven't said anything personally, that is not because I don't think he's "worthy," (we're hardly deserving to be elitists ourselves) it's simply because I can't assess his level from what he's given in order to form an appropriate response...so I just lurk, like always. If he's genuine, he'll provide enough to work with. If he's not, he'll sink back into the depths he came from. If he's a troll...well, attention never helps anyways so just avoid posting.
...Oh, hello everyone. How are you all doing?