mibuchiha wrote...
Guys, writing is mainly for fun. That's why I choose to ignore any grammatical mistakes as long as I can understand the message the author is trying to deliver. Nitpicking, while important for perfection, tend to make us lose the very reason we started doing this writing stuff to begin with.
While true if someone asks for a review then I feel that it's justified to be a bit more--nitpicky is the wrong word, but vocal. Maybe something doesn't grind thoroughly on you but why not mention it anyway? After all, as long as the remark is in good spirit it provides the author with another avenue of thought. Grammar I do avoid though, as mine is lackluster itself. Commas are so fun.
While writing is for fun, I believe when someone reads and thoughts are asked by the author they enter the public forum where development becomes equally important--if only for so long. So long as the forum is not in session or none have seen a work fun should indeed be the only factor, as none of us are nearing a magnum opus of any sort.